The Three Pigs-Week 9 October 3rd-9th


Another great classic that teaches cooperation, hard work, and perseverance.  The Three Little Pigs  allows your preschooler to participate in the ‘reading’ of the book.   This story has repetitive phrases (Little Pig, Little Pig, let me come in.  Then I’ll huff and puff and blow your house in). As preschoolers memorize and then repeat the line that appears throughout the text, they are matching words to text and developing a concept of the word.  When we read the story, we will look at the three materials that are used to build the houses and discuss the opposites, strong/weak.  We may try an activity with shoestring potatoes (hay), pretzel sticks (wood) and cereal (bricks).  Our movement and music is a fun song called Pig On Her Head  Click Here

As a cooperative activity, try making  ‘Pigs In A Blanket’  with your preschooler  Click Here

Have a  screen-shot-2016-09-25-at-3-51-17-pm  fall break!

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